Friday, October 26, 2007


This time it all came together in a fairly textbook fashion. After creating my own account I explored some sites tagged as "storytelling", followed the thread to someone elses's bookmarks and stumbled across the "K12 Online Conference 2007: playing with boundaries" which is running right now.
Participate in the free K12 Online Conference
It is "a conference by educators for educators around the world interested in integrating emerging technologies into classroom practice. A goal of the conference is to help educators make sense of and meet the needs of a continually changing learning landscape." I found it interesting to look at teachers' perspectives on Web 2.0: they have a lot in common with us librarians (particularly the C&YS brand). I found the "Attendr" mash-up tool they use to map conference participants and their knowledge of one another interesting.
I'm wondering if there is or could be a library equivalent of the on-line conference?
I think I probably will use as a research tool and as a convenient other place to park my bookmarks. However, looking at the "Favorites" on my home computer (one which admittedly is used by 6 people) I can see that del.i (i'm getting sick of typing out the whole damn thing with all the dots) will only be as useful as the time I'm prepared to put in to keeping it neat and tidy. Otherwise I'll still have the clutter of sites like "that B&B we stayed at in New Zealand two years ago", "Sound effects search results", "footy tips", "bell flowers by Yurii Shumakov" etc. etc.

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