Saturday, October 6, 2007

#6 More Flickr Fun

Today I had a look at Flickr Color Pickr and became quite mesmerised by the palette - so many choices and great photos out there. I still feel a bit spooked by the amount of time and energy people obviously spend on these things - all that uploading and commenting and mashing going on with me totally oblivious to it. It is heartening to see that so many people are using their cybertalents for good, not evil, or at least for niceness...
Then I had a go at Montagr and after some fairly lame attempts and wondering what to montage I stumbled on some Moomin postcard images. I decided to put my mosaic up near my Blog title because the images make me feel happy. I didn't mean it to be quite so big but I'll leave it like that for now.
Looking at other people's blogs I can see that mine could be much improved if I spent more time on it; but I guess that applies to lots of things in life. Anyway I think I'm doing enough to learn enough for now. So much so that I'll give the Librarian Trading Card a miss and not feel guilty!

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