Friday, October 19, 2007

#10 Image Generators cont'd

First of all I tried to use the Bob Dylan Message Generator It replaces the words on the cue cards that Bob flips in the Subterranean Homesick Blues film clip with words of your choice. I put in some favourite acerbic quotes about books and movies and was quite pleased with the finished result. But then I realised I could email the clip to my friends but not save it onto my computer - so you can't check it out.
Then I had some fun with the Conspiracy Theory Generator and came up with a highly implausible theory about library fines and Family First. It was ok but the prompts weren't very clear so it would've needed a bit of reworking to make it read properly but I was just too tired.
Later I tried using the Motivator Generator, taking one of my family snaps and adding a slightly witty motivational caption. I saved it to my computer where it still languishes as Blogger just couldn't upload it despite several tries.
As you can see, I did have some success with Captioner So although I haven't got as much to show for my time spent, I can assure you I had some fun and know where to go if I want to while away more happy hours on my sometimes temperamental computer.